
レイク沙羅 _Sara Lake

▶️ 共創学部 School of Interdisciplinary Science and Innovation

■ これまで取り組んできた研究について / about the activities I had worked on


 Threat multiplier (脅威の乗数)とも表現される気候変動の解決によって、まずは今ある格差が更に広がらないように働きかけていきたいです。

 When I was a high school student, I became aware of refugee issues and disparities with developing countries, such as educational disparities, gender disparities, and economic disparities, while participating in lectures, workshops, and volunteer activities inside and outside of school. Through attending various lectures and seminars, I realized that these disparities cannot be truly solved as long as environmental issues, especially climate change are rooted. This is why I began to research environmental issues and climate change

 I would like to work to prevent the current disparities from expanding further by solving climate change, which is said to be a “threat multiplier”.

▶️ 研究活動に関する発信はこちらから

  Please check here for updates about my research activities

■ 現在取り組んでいる研究について / about the research I am working on

 私たちの通う九州大学伊都キャンパスは、福岡市内の事業所で5番目に温室効果ガスの排出量が高く(約2.9万トン)、病院地区(約3.7万トン)と合わせると福岡市内での温室効果ガス排出量が臨海の廃棄物処理場に次いで2番目に多い事業所となります。(温室効果ガス排出量算定・報告・公表制度 ウェブサイト, 2021年度報告)


 The Kyushu University Ito Campus, where we study, has the fifth highest greenhouse gas emissions of facility in Fukuoka City (approximately 29,000 tons), and when combined with the hospital campus area (approximately 37,000 tons), is the second highest greenhouse gas emitting facility in Fukuoka City after the waste disposal plant on the waterfront. (Greenhouse Gas Emissions Calculation, Reporting, and Publication System Website, Report for FY2021)

 I want to start with Kyushu University to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, which is necessary to solve climate change, and I would like to visualize the breakdown of greenhouse gas and carbon dioxide emissions related to Kyushu University. As a first step, I am studying the carbon dioxide emissions from the transportation of the Kyushu University Ito Campus.

▲ 海岸でのフィールドワーク
  fieldwork on the coast

■ この研究の面白さ / The Interest of This Research


 Solving climate change may seem like a large scale issue for the entire planet, but when we look at CO2 emissions around us, we realize that our everyday life affect it. Seeing that there are a clue to reducing CO2 emissions in our daily lives gives me hope.

■ 普段の活動と研究活動のきっかけ /My Usual Activities and the Reason for My Research


 I regularly engage in outreach both within and outside the university on the topic of climate change. This includes conducting workshops where participants can collaboratively explore actionable solutions, and organizing study tours to learn from historical cases. In these activities, I primarily utilize research and data from the IPCC and other experts.

 Being exposed to these works, which provide a scientific foundation for decision-making, inspired me to gather data independently to better understand the current situation around me. Therefore, I am committed to collecting data through diligent efforts as part of my ongoing research.

▲ スタディツアーの運営をしている様子
 Speaking at the Study Tour

■ 興味あること / Interests


 I deeply admire Dr. Tetsu Nakamura, an esteemed graduate of Kyushu University, and I hold his philosophy of “lighting up one corner” in high regard. This principle inspires me to take consistent, small steps to make a positive impact. During my free time and outside of my academic commitments, I participate in or help organize events such as lectures and workshops.

 I also believe in raising awareness about issues like climate change, inequality, and structural injustice. Consequently, I actively participate in civic activities, including public speeches and standing protests which is not yet common to do in Japan.

▲ ストックホルムの国会議事堂前でグレタ・トゥーンベリさん(白枠内)と環境活動に参加している様子
 Participating in an environmental event with Greta Ernman Thunberg (white frame) in front of the Swedish parliament (in Stockholm)

■ 今後の目標 / Future Goals


 First, I would like to visualize the percentage of greenhouse gases in Kyushu University’s Ito Campus by clarifying the CO2 emissions related to the transportation of the campus, and to study where the barriers to decarbonization are. Based on this, I would like to propose where and how changes can be made. I want to be a person who practices these changes in the future.

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