Kyushu University Graduate School of Integrated Sciences for Global Society

encouraging students to make more international achievementsSupports for Students

English academic writing


   "Advanced Global Training Project for Integrated Academic Education" run by the Graduate School of ISGS announces the
  following two Support Systems to begin . They are designed for the purpose of encouraging students to make more
  international achievements in his/her academic field.


 Conference Participation Support:ISGS
   As travel expenses required for the conference presentations, and paid domestic 30,000 yen, overseas 50,000 yen to the
  upper limit.
   ※You can apply not only to the international conference.
   If you apply, with the approval of the main advisor, please apply at the ISGS Office.
   For more information about these initiatives, please click here. ※In Japanese

 International Conference Participation Support:Fund of Kyushu Univercity
   As travel expenses, accommodation costs, conference registration fee required for the conference presentations, and
  paid 400,000 yen to the upper limit.
   If you apply, with the approval of the main advisor, please apply at the ISGS Office.
   For more information about these initiatives, please click here. ※In Japanese

     The Gloabl Project Office, the Graduate School of ISGS, Kyushu University


Kyushu University Graduate School of Integrated Sciences for Global Society
744 Motooka, Nishi-ku, Fukuoka 819-0395
