encouraging students to make more international achievementsSupports for Students
"Advanced Global Training Project for Integrated Academic Education" run by the Graduate School of ISGS announces the
following two Support Systems to begin . They are designed for the purpose of encouraging students to make more
international achievements in his/her academic field.
Writing Seminar
2015.12.4 "How to write academic papers in English"
The seminar has been held in order to provide the students who do not have the chance to attend the common subject
Foreign Language Academic Writing. A camp of personal instructions on academic writing in English will be held after this
Topic:「Structure of English Papers」
- (1)How to prepare to write a high-quality paper effectively
- (2)Comparison of structures of English and Japanese papers
- (3)Analysis of papers
Writing Camp
2016.2.22~24 "English Academic Writing Camp"
This 3-day camp was planned for the students of ISGS to improve their academic writing skills.Students were able to find
problems of their own in academic writing through attending the seminars and discussing with other participants.
(All the lecturers in this camp are English native speakers.)
- In 22nd and 23rd, the participants learnt structure of English papers, grammar, and formatting and style
- In 24th, they learnt about the skills of presentations.
The Gloabl Project Office, the Graduate School of ISGS, Kyushu University