The 5th FD for Integrated Interdisciplinary Education to Practice/Intensive Lecture: Learning to Use the Statistical Program R by Dr. Jenifer Larson-Hall
The 5th FD for Integrated Interdisciplinary Education to Practice, October 22-23, 2018/Intensive Lecture: Learning to Use the Statistical Program R by Dr. Jenifer Larson-Hall
~Methods of Integrated Interdisciplinary Research~
Learning to Use the Statistical Program R
Lecturers: Dr. Jenifer Larson-Hall
Associate Professor,
The University of Kitakyushu
Learn how to use R to do graphing, data visualization, data regression, and conduct elementary statistical tests, including correlations, paired t-tests, independent t-tests, and chi-square tests.
Oct. 22 (Mon) 10:00 – 16:20
Oct. 23 (Tue) 13:00 – 14:30
East-1 bldg. C-206
Pre-register required
Deadline Oct. 17
※For those who wish to take this course as a part of “Methods of Integrated Interdisciplinary Research”, please register at the ISGS student office (Credit: 0.5)
Application & Inquiry:ISGS Global Project Office(East-1 bldg. C-209)
    Tel: 092-802-5670 Email:
Kyushu University
Graduate School of
Integrated Sciences for Global Society
Global Project Office
744 Motooka, Nishi-ku, Fukuoka