Overview of the curriculum

Education program for training practical skills
  • With the cooperation of industry, academia, the government, and the private sector, we have built an educational program to cultivate practical skills needed to flourish in Asia.
  • With the cooperation of domestic and foreign institutions, we have established a practical curriculum of training in the following areas: “Communication ability” (the ability to communicate deeply on site), “Walking ability” (field research ability all over the world), “Designing ability” (the ability to imagine and pursue an ideal image of future Asia), and “Leadership ability” (the ability to lead an organization to achieve goals).
  • “Asia Field Training” is a mandatory subject that allows you to see the reality of Asia by learning through real experiences.
  • Train global business capabilities through assessment tests.
  • Tutorial system of The Graduate School of Integrated Sciences for Global Society. The collective leadership system develops fundamental abilities and a holistic viewpoint.
  • Through the Qualifying Examination (QE), you can examine your learning progress and results.


Future Asia Research Ⅰ
Lecture titles

Acquire “Communication ability” – Exchange program with Motooka Elementary School – Talk about Asian cultures and diversities


Train “Designing ability” with Crossroad and through Problem-based learning


Meeting with our school’s science graduates “How to connect research with real society – museum initiatives”


~Methods of Integrated Interdisciplinary Research~ Learning to Use the Statistical Program R

Future Asia Cooperation Project Ⅰ
Lecture titles

Acquiring “Walking ability” at Tsushima -Biodiversity and Historic sites –

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