2016 (Vol.05) Translation, Transculturation, and Transformation of Modernity in East Asia 近代東アジアにおける知の加工・移動・翻訳
In this issue, we would like to report the joint international symposium “Translation, Transculturation, and Transformation of Modernity in East Asia” provided by Prof. Jinhee Kim, Prof. Byeonjin Kim and Prof. Seonhee Kim, who were invited from Ewha Womans University in the first team of 2016. -
2015 (Vol.04) The History and Future Prospects of Cultural Exchange between China and Japan 日中の文化交流史と今後の展望
In this issue, we would like to report the special class “The History and Future Prospects of Cultural Exchange between China and Japan” provided by Prof. Ning Gao, Prof. Shisheng Pan and Prof. Quan Tang of East China Normal University. -
2015 (Vol.03) Pragmatics and Language Teaching 語用論と言語教育
In this edition, we report on the keynote speech of the workshop and the lecture pertaining to intercultural communication specially given by Prof. Kimberly Jones, who was invited here from the University of Arizona as a professor of Linguistics and also the Associate Dean of Humanities, in the midst of her activities during her stay at this university. -
2015 (Vol.02) Integrated Sciences for Human Era 人類紀統合科学
In this issue, we would like to report the seminar, intensive course, international workshop and fieldtrip undertaken by Prof. Jay Quade and Dr. David Dettman, who were invited from the Department of Geosciences, the University of Arizona in the first term of 2015. -
2014 (Vol.01) Future Prospect of East Asian Regional Cooperation and Formation 東アジア地域協力・地域秩序の未来
In this issue, we would like to report the seminar “Future Prospect of East Asian Regional Cooperation and Formation” provided by Prof. Takanori Kitamura (The Chinese University of Hong Kong), Prof. Hyun Deasong (Kookmin University) and Prof. Willy Lam (The Chinese University of Hong Kong).
国立大学法人 九州大学
大学院 地球社会統合科学府