Kyushu University Graduate School of Integrated Sciences for Global Society

Activity report


Cross-disciplinary Collaboration & Exchange Cafe

 The Graduate School of Integrated Sciences for Global Society has a unique aspect , where both scientific and human artistic fields co-exist for students and Faculty members to pursue research and academic actitivities beyond disciplinary boundaries. "Advanced Global Training Project for Integrated Academic Education", which the Graduate School has been conducting, has provided opportunities for Faculty members and studensts to learn more about various academic field studies other than their own.
 As a part of a program to advance this policy, Cross-disciplinary Collaboration & Exchange Cafe was carried out to have the faculty members and students mingle and freely discuss on the topic of ”Integrated and Interdisciplinary Nature”,the other day.



 To begin with the meeting, participants, being divided into groups of several members, did brainstorming on advantages of this GraduateSchool,through individual self-introductions. They actively carried on discussions regarding inquiry themes including "Why should researchers nurture a varitey of perspectives utilized in other disciplines in addition to their own?" They explained their opinions to give specific clues toward an idea of such research approaches with various disciplinary points of view. During the talk, the participants gave a thought to their own daily study, imagining how it would be benefitial to their research to add other disciplinary perspectives.
 At the next stage, a member with a host-role remaining at the table, the other members moved to the other tables to form new groups to continue the discussion. That is a discussion method called "World Cafe" often used to create friendly atmosphere developing lively exchange of views among participants.



 We are grateful for efforts made by the Graduate School students, Mr. Fukui and Ms. Fukunaga, who played a great role as a facilitator of the meeting. Faculty members took part in the discussions as well to preach to the students the significance of cross-disciplinary study through his/her own experiences. During the discussion, some of them looked quite different from their regular personal faces , conveying their great enthusiasm for their academic pursuit. It is certainly expected that this precious opportunity would highly motivate participant-students to eagerly pursue their acadamic activities.


 By the time of the meeting closing, all the participants had braced common feeling of great anticipation for integrated and interdisciplinary studies conducted in this Graduate School.

 The Faculty and the Graduate School will keenly advance completely unique academic pursuit with cross-disciplinary approaches. It is believed this sort of discussion meetings will definitely keep encouraging the Faculty members and students to make a secious commitment to their intellectual curiosity.
 A series of "Exchange" meetings has just started. Please look forward to the next meeting report.


Kyushu University
Graduate School of
Integrated Sciences for Global Society

Global Project Office

744 Motooka, Nishi-ku, Fukuoka

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