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2021-08-17 お知らせ(一般・学内向け) 大学院係 留学生向け 公開講座 イベント 重要 第1回グローバルセミナー開催のお知らせ(9/13 海域国際法)

日時:2021年9月13日 10:00-12:00
トピック:Rules of Engagement at Sea(海上交戦の国際法)
報告者:防衛大学校准教授 石井由梨佳
Incidents at sea over maritime resources in the South China Sea have continued for more than a decade. Because of a weak collaboration among the maritime law enforcement agencies and the disputes over islands and maritime title, there remains a risk of conflicts. In light of the importance of the region, this presentation discusses the basic structure of the law of the sea and public international law governing the use of force at sea. It will review recent updates of coast guard laws in China, Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam, with particular attention to the significance of the “maritime zone” concepts that appear in several laws and potentially excessive authorization of use of weapons.

Dr. Yurika Ishii is an Associate Professor at the National Defense Academy of Japan, where she is in charge of the law of the sea and public international law courses. Her areas of interest include general public international law, law of the sea and international and transnational criminal law. She achieved a Ph.D from the University of Tokyo, Graduate Schools for Laws and Politics, with a thesis on international regulation of economic crimes, published as International Regulation of Transnational Crimes (Yuhikaku, 2017) (Japanese).