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Comprehensive East Asian and Japanese Studies

Name KAN Hironobu
Field of Specialization Physical Geography, Geomorphhology
keyword Coral Reef Geomorphology, Environmental Geography, Geomorphological Development, Multibeam Bathymetric Survey, SCUBA Diving, Drilling Core, SEM-EDS, XRD, Ryukyu Islands, 4Maldives, Pacific Islands, Atoll, Great Barrier Reef
Basic Structure of Human Societies Department of Environmental Changes Faculty of Social and Cultural Studies
Academic degree Ph.,D.
Research interest My research topics are coral reef geomorphology, reef development, and environmental change of the coastal area in the tropical regions (e.g., geomorphological studies of coral reefs and shallow coastal areas using multibeam echosounder and SCUBA diving surveys, reef coring by diver-operating hydraulic drill and reconstructing reef growth history using SEM-EDS, XRD and AMS dating, paleo-environmental studies using coral growth banding).
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