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International Cooperation, Security and Safety

Name HORII Nobuhiro
Field of Specialization Industrial Economics, specially for China's energy industry; Environmental Economics, specially for China's air pollution problems
Fields in Industry Department of Industrial and Business System Faculty of Economics
Academic degree Master of Law
Research interest In research activities, I have engaged in the research about "Change of energy industries in China's market transition" and "China's green innovation". I publish around 3-5 papers on average for a year. In education activities, I am in charge of "Basic of Economics" for lower grade students, "Industrial sturucture", and "Chinese economic literature", and "Special course on industrial structure" for graduated students. I am also promoting reserch about China's media industry, cartoon and comics industry, subway, nuclear industry, renewable energy industry, and travel industry together with undergraduate students in my seminar. In social activities, I participate in 3 research projects as a member in domestic research institutes. And I make about 10 presentations in symposiums and seminars for academic society and public audiences, on average for a year.
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