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International Cooperation, Security and Safety

Name MASUO Chisako T.
Field of Specialization Chinese Studies (Foreign Policy and Politics), International Relations in East Asia, Cold War History
Division of Asian Society Department of Social Studies Faculty of Social and Cultural Studies
Academic degree Ph. D. (University of Tokyo)
Research interest Chisako Teshima MASUO is a Professor at the Graduate School of Social and Cultural Studies, Kyushu University. She received her Ph.D. from the University of Tokyo in 2008. Her research topics include Chinese foreign policy, international relations in East Asia, and Sino-Japanese relations. She will be out of office from September 2014 to May 2015 to conduct research at Harvard-Yenching Institute as its research associate.

Before assuming her current position at Kyushu University, she worked for Waseda University as a lecturer, for Professor Ezra F. Vogel (Harvard University) as his research assistant, and for the Japan Institute of International Affairs (JIIA) as a research fellow.

She is the author of "China Looks Back: Mao's Legacy in the Open-Door Era" (University of Tokyo Press, 2010 in Japanese). She has worked with other scholars and officials in publishing "World Strategy in Chinese Diplomacy: Straggles with Japan, America and Asia" (co-author, Akashi Publishers, 2011 in Japanese) and "Significant Issues for Japan in 2000s: Questions in Diplomacy and Security" (Toshihiro Minohara ed., Kashiwa Publishers, 2011 in Japanese). She has written some other papers and articles in English.
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