Name | KUWAHARA Yoshihiro |
Field of Specialization | Mineralogy Environmental Mineralogy |
keyword | Mineral-water interaction, Dissolution, Crystal growth, Atomic Force Microscopy(AFM), Surface science, Clay minerals, Paleoclimatic and paleoenvironmental changes |
Affiliation |
Course for Earth Changes
Department of Environmental Changes
Faculty of Social and Cultural Studies
Academic degree | Dr. of Science |
Research interest | •Dissolution and crystal growth mechanisms of carbonate and sulfate minerals as the index of climate and environmental changes: nanoscale analysis by hot/cool-stage AFM keyword : climate change, environmental change, AFM, dissolution and crystal growth mechanisms, carbonate mineral, sulfate mineral 2011.04~2014.03. •In-situ AFM study for smectite dissolution under alkaline conditons keyword : smectite, dissolution, kinetics, alkaline solutions, Atomic Force Microscopy, Bentonite, buffer materials 2003.09. •Reconstruction of paleoclimatic and paleoenvironmental variations recorded in clay minerals in the Kathmandu Basin sediments keyword : clay minerals, crystallinity, paleoclimate, paleoenvironment, the Kathmandu Basin, Hymalaya 2000.04. •AFM study on surface structure of micas keyword : micas, Atomic Force Microscopy, surface structure, surface relaxation 1999.04. •AFM study for the growth mechanism and process of mica clay minerals keyword : illite, Atomic Force Microscopy, crystall growth, spiral growth pattern 1998.04. •Dissolution process and mechanism of micas under acid conditons keyword : micas, acid condition, dissolution, weathering, alteration, kinetics 1992.04. |
Web site |