Kyushu University Graduate School of Integrated Sciences for Global Society

Cooperation with Overseas Institutionss


Ewha Womans University(South Korea)

Prof. Jinhee Kim
Prof. Seonhee Kim
Prof. Byeongjin Kim


◆Intensive Course

 July 18 (Mon) , 20 (Wed) , 22 (Fri)

「Transfer and Exchange of Knowledge/Culture in East Asia」


Corresponding course:Languages, Media and Communications Course

    ①The Challenge of Western Learning (西學) and the Transformation of the Modern East Asian Knowledge Field(Language:English)
     Prof. Seonhee Kim
     Prof. Byeongjin Kim
    ③The Change of Field of Knowledge in East Asia and the Life and Works of Intellectuals(Language:English)
     Prof. Jinhee Kim


◆Field trip

 July 24 (Sun)
 Destination:Former Ito Shogun gate(Iizuka City) , Coal History Museum(Tagawa City)
 Ito Campus:Departure 9:00 am 、Arrival 5:00 pm


◆Kyushu Univ.-Ewha Womans Univ. (Korea) Joint International Symposium

 July 23 (Sat)

「Translation, Transculturation, and Transformation of Modernity in East Asia」


Kyushu University
Graduate School of
Integrated Sciences for Global Society

Global Project Office

744 Motooka, Nishi-ku, Fukuoka

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